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May 2012

Running WSX as Appliance

A few weeks ago VMware published a Technology Preview for VMware Workstation which also comes with a service called WSX. This service allows to connect virtual machine consoles through a web interface, without any plugins. A lot of ideas around WSX are posted at the creators blog and i want to pick up one idea: stripping wsx out of its 400MB download package and deploy it as single package or appliance.

Running WSX as a standalone is nothing new because William Lam has already posted about it. So here is Part 2...

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Datastore cluster permissions lost - Script Workaround

Placing the datastore clusters inside a folder in some cases is not an option, so i decided to write a PowerCLI script which creates the permisson after vCenter service restart. As you might know, all permissons set at datastore cluster level are gone after vCenter restarts. This workaround referred to VMware KB: 2008326.

First you have to find affected permissons. This applies to permissons which are set directly to datastore clusters. A datastore cluster is referred as "StoragePod", so this is the keyword:

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