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Web Client

First Impressions: vSphere HTML5 Web Client #h5client

Today VMware made a new Fling available: vSphere HTML5 Web Client. This is what we all were waiting for! A HTML5 bast Web Client. No Flash! I've deployed it in my Homelab to see what it already can do. Of course, it does not have the functionality of the Flash based Web Client, but the performance is great and the design looks nice. The new Web Client is available for both, the vCenter Server Appliance, and the Windows based vCenter.


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VMware vSphere 6.0 Web Client Enhancements

The vSphere Web Client within the 6.0 release has been improved in performance and usability. Previous versions of the vSphere Web Client which has been introduced with vSphere 5.1 have been panned by many admins. VMware has listened to the folks and addressed the most heard complaints. This post introduces and compares the enhancements. I've also done a speed analysis to point out where the performance has been improved.Read More »VMware vSphere 6.0 Web Client Enhancements

vSphere 5.5 U2 C# Client can now edit Hardware Version 10 VMs

Slightly hidden in vSphere 5.5 Update 2 there is a new vSphere C# Client that can edit Virtual Machines running the latest Virtual Hardware (vmx-10). Instead of getting an error message when trying to edit Virtual Machines with Hardware Version 10 you can now reconfigure these machines with the legacy C# client. Understandably you can only edit pre-5.1 features. All 5.1/5.5 features are still only available with the vSphere Web Client.

With the vSphere Client you would usually see the following error message:


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vSphere Web Client vs. vSphere Client (C# Client)

Since VMware introduced the vSphere Web Client there is a common question: Which vSphere client should I use? The answer simple: You need both! 

There are many new features within vSphere 5.1 which are only available through the Web Client. But there are also many reasons to use the old C# Client: Some features and plugins are not implemented in the Web Client Client. There is no doubt that you need both clients to configure your vSphere 5.1 environment. But which client should you use for day-to-day work or for configuration tasks that are available in both clients?

This post has been updated to include vSphere 5.5 Features

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