When you want to add many VMware ESXi Hypervisors to your vCenter inventory, a small one-liner might save you a lot of time. You can add hosts based on consistent host numbering, IP-Addresses or use a textfile for input.
Snippet 1: Add multiple Hosts to vCenter by Hostname Range
This solution requires consistent hostnames. The snippet adds 20 Hosts named esx1.virten.lab - esx20.virten.lab to the datacenter Lab in your vCenter. You have to be connected to the vCenter where you want to add the hosts (Connect-VIServer).
1..20 | Foreach-Object { Add-VMHost esx$_.virten.lab -Location (Get-Datacenter Lab) -User root -Password <Password> -RunAsync -force:$true}
- 1..20: Host Range. In this example, ESXi hosts numbered 1 - 20 in their name
- esx$_.virten.lab: Hostname Template. Adds esx1.virten.lab - esx20.virten.lab
- Lab: Datacenter Name (Must exist)
- <Password>: Replace with your password
- -RunAsync: Optional parameter. Much faster, runs all tasks parallel.
Snippet 2: Add multiple Hosts to vCenter by IP-Address Range
You can also add hosts based on it's IP-Address. As you want to use hostnames rather than IP-Addresses to manage the hosts in your vCenter you have to do a reverse lookup to get the DNS name. This snippet adds 10 Hosts with the IP-Address range - with its hostname to the datacenter Lab in your vCenter.
10..20 | ForEach-Object { [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostbyAddress("192.168.0.$_") } | select-object HostName | ForEach-Object { Add-VMHost $_.HostName -Location (Get-Datacenter Lab) -User root -Password <Password> -RunAsync -force:$true }
- 10..20: Host Range. In this example, ESXi hosts numbered 1 - 20 in their name
- 192.168.0.$_: IP-Address range. Adds -
- Lab: Datacenter Name (Must exist)
- <Password>: Replace with your password
- -RunAsync: Optional parameter. Much faster, runs all tasks parallel.
Snippet 3: Add multiple Hosts to vCenter by Input Textfile
You can use a textfile to add multiple ESX hosts to your vCenter. This could be useful if you do not have consistent IP-Addresses or Hostnames. Just create a textfile with one host per line:
Get-Content hosts.txt | Foreach-Object { Add-VMHost $_ -Location (Get-Datacenter Lab) -User root -Password <Password> -RunAsync -force:$true}
- hosts.txt: Input textfile
- Lab: Datacenter Name (Must exist)
- <Password>: Replace with your password
- -RunAsync: Optional parameter. Much faster, runs all tasks parallel.
Snippet 4: Add multiple Hosts to vCenter with CSV file
You can also use a CSV file to add multiple ESX hosts to your vCenter. This helps you to further specify the process of adding ESXi Hosts (eg. ESXi hosts with different passwords):
Import-Csv hosts.csv | Foreach-Object { Add-VMHost $_.name -Location (Get-Datacenter Lab) -User root -Password $_.password -RunAsync -force:$true}
- hosts.csv: Input textfile
- Lab: Datacenter Name (Must exist)
- -RunAsync: Optional parameter. Much faster, runs all tasks parallel.
hi, thank you for the topic, helped me .
any chance we can automate it with python sdk?
if yes, could you please share me the exact method name ?
I don't use python very often but I'm sure that it's possible. Maybe this can help: https://github.com/lamw/vghetto-scripts/blob/master/python/joinvCenter.py
how to make this work if I use different password on each server?
Good Point.
I've added "Snippet 4" with the solution.
I'm new to powercli so bear with me.
In snippet 2, Add multiple Hosts to vCenter by IP-Address Range, is there a way to make the 10..20 and the 192.168.0. a variable?
I tried the following but it caused the script to bomb out and gave an error saying they weren't valid IP addresses starting at character 1 with the $host_range. I changed that back to not being a variable and reran but got the same error but at character 35 this time. I tinkered with the variables and the quote placement and stuff for a while but eventually accepted defeat.
$host_range = "10.20"
$host_address = "192.168.0"
$host_range | ForEach-Object { [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostbyAddress("$host_address.$_") } |
select-object HostName | ForEach-Object { Add-VMHost $_.HostName -Location (Get-Datacenter Lab) -User root -Password -RunAsync -force:$true }