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vSphere 7.0 Performance Counter Description

This is a list of all available performance metrics that are available in vSphere vCenter Server 7.0. Performance counters can be views for Virtual Machines, Hosts, Clusters, Resource Pools, and other objects by opening Monitor > Performance in the vSphere Client.

These performance counters can also be used for performance analysis with, or PowerCLI.

clusterServices.clusterDrsScore.latestDRS Score%DRS score of the cluster
clusterServices.cpufairness.latestCPU fairnessnumFairness of distributed CPU resource allocation
clusterServices.effectivecpu.averageEffective CPU resourcesMHzTotal available CPU resources of all hosts within a cluster
clusterServices.effectivemem.averageEffective memory resourcesMBTotal amount of machine memory of all hosts in the cluster that is available for use for virtual machine memory and overhead memory
clusterServices.failover.latestCurrent failover levelnumvSphere HA number of failures that can be tolerated
clusterServices.memfairness.latestMemory fairnessnumAggregate available memory resources of all the hosts within a cluster
clusterServices.vmDrsScore.latestVM DRS Score%DRS score of the virtual machine
cpu.cache.l3.occupancy.averageCPU L3 Cache OccupancyKBThe amount of L3 cache the VM uses
cpu.capacity.contention.averageCPU Capacity Contention%Percent of time the VM is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s)
cpu.capacity.demand.averageCPU Capacity DemandMHzThe amount of CPU resources a VM would use if there were no CPU contention
cpu.capacity.entitlement.averageCPU Capacity EntitlementMHzCPU resources devoted by the ESXi scheduler to the virtual machines and resource pools
cpu.capacity.provisioned.averageCPU Capacity ProvisionedMHzCapacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores
cpu.capacity.usage.averageCPU Capacity UsageMHzCPU usage as a percent during the interval
cpu.corecount.contention.averageCPU Core Count Contention%Time the VM vCPU is ready to run, but is unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints
cpu.corecount.provisioned.averageCPU Core Count ProvisionednumThe number of virtual processors provisioned to the entity
cpu.corecount.provisioned.latestCPU Core Count ProvisionednumThe number of virtual processors provisioned to the entity
cpu.corecount.usage.averageCPU Core Count UsagenumThe number of virtual processors running on the host
cpu.corecount.usage.latestCPU Core Count UsagenumThe number of virtual processors running on the host
cpu.coreUtilization.averageCore Utilization%CPU utilization of the corresponding core (if hyper-threading is enabled) as a percentage during the interval (A core is utilized if either or both of its logical CPUs are utilized)
cpu.coreUtilization.maximumCore Utilization%CPU utilization of the corresponding core (if hyper-threading is enabled) as a percentage during the interval (A core is utilized if either or both of its logical CPUs are utilized)
cpu.coreUtilization.minimumCore Utilization%CPU utilization of the corresponding core (if hyper-threading is enabled) as a percentage during the interval (A core is utilized if either or both of its logical CPUs are utilized)
cpu.coreUtilization.noneCore Utilization%CPU utilization of the corresponding core (if hyper-threading is enabled) as a percentage during the interval (A core is utilized if either or both of its logical CPUs are utilized)
cpu.costop.summationCo-stopmsTime the virtual machine is ready to run, but is unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints
cpu.cpuentitlement.latestWorst case allocationMHzAmount of CPU resources allocated to the virtual machine or resource pool, based on the total cluster capacity and the resource configuration of the resource hierarchy
cpu.demand.averageDemandMHzThe amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit
cpu.demandEntitlementRatio.latestDemand-to-entitlement ratio%CPU resource entitlement to CPU demand ratio (in percents)
cpu.entitlement.latestEntitlementMHzCPU resources devoted by the ESX scheduler
cpu.idle.summationIdlemsTotal time that the CPU spent in an idle state
cpu.latency.averageLatency%Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s)
cpu.load.avg15min.latestCPU load average 15 mins%CPU load average over the past 15 minutes, sampled on every 6 seconds
cpu.load.avg1min.latestCPU load average 1 min%CPU load average over the past 1 minute, sampled on every 6 seconds
cpu.load.avg5min.latestCPU load average 5 mins%CPU load average over the past 5 minutes, sampled on every 6 seconds
cpu.maxlimited.summationMax limitedmsTime the virtual machine is ready to run, but is not run due to maxing out its CPU limit setting
cpu.overlap.summationOverlapmsTime the virtual machine was interrupted to perform system services on behalf of itself or other virtual machines
cpu.readiness.averageReadiness%Percentage of time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU
cpu.ready.summationReadymsTime that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU during last measurement interval
cpu.reservedCapacity.averageReserved capacityMHzTotal CPU capacity reserved by virtual machines the virtual machine is scheduled to run
cpu.swapwait.summationSwap waitmsCPU time spent waiting for swap-in
cpu.system.summationSystemmsAmount of time spent on system processes on each virtual CPU in the virtual machine
cpu.totalCapacity.averageTotal capacityMHzTotal CPU capacity reserved by and available for virtual machines
cpu.totalmhz.averageTotalMHzTotal amount of CPU resources of all hosts in the cluster
cpu.usage.averageUsage%CPU usage as a percentage during the interval
cpu.usage.maximumUsage%CPU usage as a percentage during the interval
cpu.usage.minimumUsage%CPU usage as a percentage during the interval
cpu.usage.noneUsage%CPU usage as a percentage during the interval
cpu.usage.vcpus.averageVCPU Usage%Virtual CPU usage as a percentage during the interval
cpu.usagemhz.averageUsage in MHzMHzCPU usage in megahertz during the interval
cpu.usagemhz.maximumUsage in MHzMHzCPU usage in megahertz during the interval
cpu.usagemhz.minimumUsage in MHzMHzCPU usage in megahertz during the interval
cpu.usagemhz.noneUsage in MHzMHzCPU usage in megahertz during the interval
cpu.used.summationUsedmsTotal CPU usage
cpu.utilization.averageUtilization%CPU utilization as a percentage during the interval (CPU usage and CPU utilization might be different due to power management technologies or hyper-threading)
cpu.utilization.maximumUtilization%CPU utilization as a percentage during the interval (CPU usage and CPU utilization might be different due to power management technologies or hyper-threading)
cpu.utilization.minimumUtilization%CPU utilization as a percentage during the interval (CPU usage and CPU utilization might be different due to power management technologies or hyper-threading)
cpu.utilization.noneUtilization%CPU utilization as a percentage during the interval (CPU usage and CPU utilization might be different due to power management technologies or hyper-threading)
cpu.wait.summationWaitmsTotal CPU time spent in wait state
datastore.datastoreIops.averageStorage I/O Control aggregated IOPSnumStorage I/O Control aggregated IOPS
datastore.datastoreMaxQueueDepth.latestStorage I/O Control datastore maximum queue depthnumStorage I/O Control datastore maximum queue depth
datastore.datastoreNormalReadLatency.latestStorage DRS datastore normalized read latencynumStorage DRS datastore normalized read latency
datastore.datastoreNormalWriteLatency.latestStorage DRS datastore normalized write latencynumStorage DRS datastore normalized write latency
datastore.datastoreReadBytes.latestStorage DRS datastore bytes readnumStorage DRS datastore bytes read
datastore.datastoreReadIops.latestStorage DRS datastore read I/O ratenumStorage DRS datastore read I/O rate
datastore.datastoreReadLoadMetric.latestStorage DRS datastore read workload metricnumStorage DRS datastore metric for read workload model
datastore.datastoreReadOIO.latestStorage DRS datastore outstanding read requestsnumStorage DRS datastore outstanding read requests
datastore.datastoreVMObservedLatency.latestDatastore latency observed by VMs?sThe average datastore latency as seen by virtual machines
datastore.datastoreWriteBytes.latestStorage DRS datastore bytes writtennumStorage DRS datastore bytes written
datastore.datastoreWriteIops.latestStorage DRS datastore write I/O ratenumStorage DRS datastore write I/O rate
datastore.datastoreWriteLoadMetric.latestStorage DRS datastore write workload metricnumStorage DRS datastore metric for write workload model
datastore.datastoreWriteOIO.latestStorage DRS datastore outstanding write requestsnumStorage DRS datastore outstanding write requests
datastore.maxTotalLatency.latestHighest latencymsHighest latency value across all datastores used by the host
datastore.numberReadAveraged.averageAverage read requests per secondnumAverage number of read commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval
datastore.numberWriteAveraged.averageAverage write requests per secondnumAverage number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval rateKBpsRate of reading data from the datastore
datastore.siocActiveTimePercentage.averageStorage I/O Control active time percentage%Percentage of time Storage I/O Control actively controlled datastore latency
datastore.sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency.averageStorage I/O Control normalized latency?sStorage I/O Control size-normalized I/O latency
datastore.totalReadLatency.averageRead latencymsThe average time a read from the datastore takes
datastore.totalWriteLatency.averageWrite latencymsThe average time a write to the datastore takes
datastore.write.averageWrite rateKBpsRate of writing data to the datastore
disk.busResets.summationBus resetsnumNumber of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval
disk.capacity.latestCapacityKBConfigured size of the datastore
disk.commands.summationCommands issuednumNumber of SCSI commands issued during the collection interval
disk.commandsAborted.summationCommands abortednumNumber of SCSI commands aborted during the collection interval
disk.commandsAveraged.averageAverage commands issued per secondnumAverage number of SCSI commands issued per second during the collection interval
disk.deltaused.latestOverhead due to delta disk backingsKBStorage overhead of a virtual machine or a datastore due to delta disk backings
disk.deviceLatency.averagePhysical device command latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, to complete a SCSI command from the physical device
disk.deviceReadLatency.averagePhysical device read latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, to read from the physical device
disk.deviceWriteLatency.averagePhysical device write latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, to write to the physical device
disk.kernelLatency.averageKernel command latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI command
disk.kernelReadLatency.averageKernel read latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI read command
disk.kernelWriteLatency.averageKernel write latencymsAverage amount of time, in milliseconds, spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI write command
disk.maxQueueDepth.averageMaximum queue depthnumMaximum queue depth
disk.maxTotalLatency.latestHighest latencymsHighest latency value across all disks used by the host
disk.numberRead.summationRead requestsnumNumber of disk reads during the collection interval
disk.numberReadAveraged.averageAverage read requests per secondnumAverage number of disk reads per second during the collection interval
disk.numberWrite.summationWrite requestsnumNumber of disk writes during the collection interval
disk.numberWriteAveraged.averageAverage write requests per secondnumAverage number of disk writes per second during the collection interval
disk.provisioned.latestSpace potentially usedKBAmount of storage set aside for use by a datastore or a virtual machine
disk.queueLatency.averageQueue command latencymsAverage amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI command, during the collection interval
disk.queueReadLatency.averageQueue read latencymsAverage amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI read command, during the collection interval
disk.queueWriteLatency.averageQueue write latencymsAverage amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI write command, during the collection interval rateKBpsAverage number of kilobytes read from the disk each second during the collection interval
disk.scsiReservationCnflctsPct.averageDisk SCSI Reservation Conflicts %%Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN as a percent of total commands during the collection interval
disk.scsiReservationCnflctsPct.averageDisk SCSI Reservation Conflicts %%Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN as a percent of total commands during the collection interval
disk.scsiReservationConflicts.summationDisk SCSI Reservation ConflictsnumNumber of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN during the collection interval
disk.throughput.contention.averageDisk Throughput ContentionmsAverage amount of time for an I/O operation to complete successfully
disk.throughput.usage.averageDisk Throughput UsageKBpsAggregated disk I/O rate, including the rates for all virtual machines running on the host during the collection interval
disk.totalLatency.averageCommand latencymsAverage amount of time taken during the collection interval to process a SCSI command issued by the guest OS to the virtual machine
disk.totalReadLatency.averageRead latencymsAverage amount of time taken during the collection interval to process a SCSI read command issued from the guest OS to the virtual machine
disk.totalWriteLatency.averageWrite latencymsAverage amount of time taken during the collection interval to process a SCSI write command issued by the guest OS to the virtual machine
disk.unshared.latestSpace not sharedKBAmount of space associated exclusively with a virtual machine
disk.usage.averageUsageKBpsAggregated disk I/O rate. For hosts, this metric includes the rates for all virtual machines running on the host during the collection interval.
disk.usage.maximumUsageKBpsAggregated disk I/O rate. For hosts, this metric includes the rates for all virtual machines running on the host during the collection interval.
disk.usage.minimumUsageKBpsAggregated disk I/O rate. For hosts, this metric includes the rates for all virtual machines running on the host during the collection interval.
disk.usage.noneUsageKBpsAggregated disk I/O rate. For hosts, this metric includes the rates for all virtual machines running on the host during the collection interval.
disk.used.latestSpace actually usedKBAmount of space actually used by the virtual machine or the datastore
disk.write.averageWrite rateKBpsAverage number of kilobytes written to disk each second during the collection interval
gpu.mem.usage.averageMemory usage%The amount of GPU memory used in percentages of the total available
gpu.mem.usage.maximumMemory usage%The amount of GPU memory used in percentages of the total available
gpu.mem.usage.minimumMemory usage%The amount of GPU memory used in percentages of the total available
gpu.mem.usage.noneMemory usage%The amount of GPU memory used in percentages of the total available
gpu.mem.used.averageMemory usedKBThe amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes
gpu.mem.used.maximumMemory usedKBThe amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes
gpu.mem.used.minimumMemory usedKBThe amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes
gpu.mem.used.noneMemory usedKBThe amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes
gpu.temperature.averageTemperature?The temperature of a GPU in degrees celsius
gpu.utilization.averageUtilization%The utilization of a GPU in percentages
gpu.utilization.maximumUtilization%The utilization of a GPU in percentages
gpu.utilization.minimumUtilization%The utilization of a GPU in percentages
gpu.utilization.noneUtilization%The utilization of a GPU in percentages
hbr.hbrNetRx.averageReplication Data Receive RateKBpsAverage amount of data received per second
hbr.hbrNetTx.averageReplication Data Transmit RateKBpsAverage amount of data transmitted per second
hbr.hbrNumVms.averagevSphere Replication VM CountnumCurrent number of replicated virtual machines
managementAgent.cpuUsage.averageCPU usageMHzAmount of Service Console CPU usage
managementAgent.memUsed.averageMemory usedKBAmount of total configured memory that is available for use
managementAgent.swapIn.averageMemory swap inKBpsAmount of memory that is swapped in for the Service Console
managementAgent.swapOut.averageMemory swap outKBpsAmount of memory that is swapped out for the Service Console
managementAgent.swapUsed.averageMemory swap usedKBSum of the memory swapped by all powered-on virtual machines on the host of guest physical memory that is being actively read or written by guest. Activeness is estimated by ESXi of guest physical memory that is being actively read or written by guest. Activeness is estimated by ESXi of guest physical memory that is being actively read or written by guest. Activeness is estimated by ESXi of guest physical memory that is being actively read or written by guest. Activeness is estimated by ESXi
mem.activewrite.averageActive writeKBAmount of guest physical memory that is being actively written by guest. Activeness is estimated by ESXi
mem.capacity.contention.averageMemory Capacity Contention%Percentage of time VMs are waiting to access swapped, compressed or ballooned memory
mem.capacity.entitlement.averageMemory Capacity EntitlementKBAmount of host physical memory the VM is entitled to, as determined by the ESXi scheduler
mem.capacity.provisioned.averageMemory Capacity ProvisionedKBTotal amount of memory available to the host
mem.capacity.provisioned.latestMemory Capacity ProvisionedKBTotal amount of memory available to the host
mem.capacity.usable.averageMemory Capacity UsableKBAmount of physical memory available for use by virtual machines on this host
mem.capacity.usage.averageMemory Capacity UsageKBAmount of physical memory actively used
mem.compressed.averageCompressedKBGuest physical memory pages that have undergone memory compression
mem.compressionRate.averageCompression rateKBpsRate of guest physical memory page compression by ESXi
mem.consumed.averageConsumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed for backing up guest physical memory pages
mem.consumed.maximumConsumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed for backing up guest physical memory pages
mem.consumed.minimumConsumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed for backing up guest physical memory pages
mem.consumed.noneConsumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed for backing up guest physical memory pages
mem.consumed.userworlds.averageMemory Consumed by userworldsKBAmount of physical memory consumed by userworlds on this host
mem.consumed.vms.averageMemory Consumed by VMsKBAmount of physical memory consumed by VMs on this host
mem.decompressionRate.averageDecompression rateKBpsRate of guest physical memory decompression
mem.entitlement.averageEntitlementKBAmount of host physical memory the virtual machine deserves, as determined by ESXi
mem.granted.averageGrantedKBAmount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host
mem.granted.maximumGrantedKBAmount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host
mem.granted.minimumGrantedKBAmount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host
mem.granted.noneGrantedKBAmount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host
mem.heap.averageHeapKBVirtual address space of ESXi that is dedicated to its heap
mem.heap.maximumHeapKBVirtual address space of ESXi that is dedicated to its heap
mem.heap.minimumHeapKBVirtual address space of ESXi that is dedicated to its heap
mem.heap.noneHeapKBVirtual address space of ESXi that is dedicated to its heap
mem.heapfree.averageHeap freeKBFree address space in the heap of ESXi. This is less than or equal to Heap
mem.heapfree.maximumHeap freeKBFree address space in the heap of ESXi. This is less than or equal to Heap
mem.heapfree.minimumHeap freeKBFree address space in the heap of ESXi. This is less than or equal to Heap
mem.heapfree.noneHeap freeKBFree address space in the heap of ESXi. This is less than or equal to Heap
mem.kernel.managed.latestVMKMEM managedMBTotal amount of machine memory managed by VMkernel
mem.kernel.minfree.latestVMKMEM minfreeMBMininum amount of machine memory that VMkernel likes to keep free
mem.kernel.unreserved.latestVMKMEM ursvdMBAmount of machine memory that is currently unreserved
mem.latency.averagePage-fault latency%Percentage of time the virtual machine spent waiting to swap in or decompress guest physical memory
mem.llSwapIn.averageHost cache swap inKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped in from host cache
mem.llSwapIn.maximumHost cache swap inKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped in from host cache
mem.llSwapIn.minimumHost cache swap inKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped in from host cache
mem.llSwapIn.noneHost cache swap inKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped in from host cache
mem.llSwapInRate.averageHost cache swap in rateKBpsRate at which guest physical memory is swapped in from the host swap cache
mem.llSwapOut.averageHost cache swap outKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped out to the host swap cache
mem.llSwapOut.maximumHost cache swap outKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped out to the host swap cache
mem.llSwapOut.minimumHost cache swap outKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped out to the host swap cache
mem.llSwapOut.noneHost cache swap outKBAmount of guest physical memory swapped out to the host swap cache
mem.llSwapOutRate.averageHost cache swap out rateKBpsRate at which guest physical memory is swapped out to the host swap cache
mem.llSwapUsed.averageHost cache consumedKBStorage space consumed on the host swap cache for storing swapped guest physical memory pages
mem.llSwapUsed.maximumHost cache consumedKBStorage space consumed on the host swap cache for storing swapped guest physical memory pages
mem.llSwapUsed.minimumHost cache consumedKBStorage space consumed on the host swap cache for storing swapped guest physical memory pages
mem.llSwapUsed.noneHost cache consumedKBStorage space consumed on the host swap cache for storing swapped guest physical memory pages
mem.lowfreethreshold.averageReclamation thresholdKBThreshold of free host physical memory below which ESXi will begin actively reclaiming memory from virtual machines by swapping, compression and ballooning
mem.memctl.current.latestMEMCTL currentMBTotal amount of physical memory reclaimed using the vmmemctl modules
mem.memctl.max.latestMEMCTL maxMBMaximum amount of physical memory ESXi can reclaim using the vmmemctl modules targetMBTotal amount of physical memory ESXi would like to reclaim using the vmmemctl modules
mem.mementitlement.latestEntitlementMBMemory allocation as calculated by the VMkernel scheduler based on current estimated demand and reservation, limit, and shares policies set for all virtual machines and resource pools in the host or cluster
mem.overcommit.avg15min.latestMEM overcommit avg in 15 minnumRatio of total requested memory and the managed memory minus 1 over the past 15 minutes
mem.overcommit.avg1min.latestMEM overcommit avg in 1 minnumRatio of total requested memory and the managed memory minus 1 over the past 1 minute
mem.overcommit.avg5min.latestMEM overcommit avg in 5 minnumRatio of total requested memory and the managed memory minus 1 over the past 5 minutes
mem.overhead.averageOverhead consumedKBHost physical memory consumed by ESXi data structures for running the virtual machines
mem.overhead.maximumOverhead consumedKBHost physical memory consumed by ESXi data structures for running the virtual machines
mem.overhead.minimumOverhead consumedKBHost physical memory consumed by ESXi data structures for running the virtual machines
mem.overhead.noneOverhead consumedKBHost physical memory consumed by ESXi data structures for running the virtual machines
mem.overheadMax.averageOverhead reservedKBHost physical memory reserved by ESXi, for its data structures, for running the virtual machine
mem.overheadTouched.averageOverhead activeKBEstimate of the host physical memory, from Overhead consumed, that is actively read or written to by ESXi freeMBAmount of machine memory that is free on the ESXi host totalMBTotal amount of machine memory on the ESXi host
mem.physical.user.latestPMEM otherMBAmount of machine memory being used by everything other than VMkernel
mem.pshare.common.latestPShare commonMBAmount of machine memory that is common across World(s)
mem.pshare.shared.latestPShare sharedMBAmount of physical memory that is being shared
mem.pshare.sharedSave.latestPShare sharedSaveMBAmount of machine memory saved due to page-sharing
mem.reservedCapacity.averageReservation consumedMBMemory reservation consumed by powered-on virtual machines
mem.reservedCapacityPct.averageMemory Reserved Capacity %%Percent of memory that has been reserved either through VMkernel use, by userworlds or due to VM memory reservations
mem.reservedCapacityPct.latestMemory Reserved Capacity %%Percent of memory that has been reserved either through VMkernel use, by userworlds or due to VM memory reservations
mem.shared.averageSharedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is shared within a single virtual machine or across virtual machines
mem.shared.maximumSharedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is shared within a single virtual machine or across virtual machines
mem.shared.minimumSharedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is shared within a single virtual machine or across virtual machines
mem.shared.noneSharedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is shared within a single virtual machine or across virtual machines
mem.sharedcommon.averageShared commonKBAmount of host physical memory that backs shared guest physical memory (Shared)
mem.sharedcommon.maximumShared commonKBAmount of host physical memory that backs shared guest physical memory (Shared)
mem.sharedcommon.minimumShared commonKBAmount of host physical memory that backs shared guest physical memory (Shared)
mem.sharedcommon.noneShared commonKBAmount of host physical memory that backs shared guest physical memory (Shared)
mem.state.latestFree statenumCurrent memory availability state of ESXi. Possible values are high, clear, soft, hard, low. The state value determines the techniques used for memory reclamation from virtual machines
mem.swap.current.latestSwap currentMBCurrent swap usage
mem.swap.readrate.averageSwap readMBpsRate at which memory is swapped in by ESXi from disk reclaimed targetMBWhere ESXi expects the reclaimed memory using swapping and compression to be
mem.swap.writerate.averageSwap writeMBpsRate at which memory is swapped to disk by the ESXi
mem.swapin.averageSwap inKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped in from the swap space since the virtual machine has been powered on. This value is less than or equal to the 'Swap out' counter
mem.swapin.maximumSwap inKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped in from the swap space since the virtual machine has been powered on. This value is less than or equal to the 'Swap out' counter
mem.swapin.minimumSwap inKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped in from the swap space since the virtual machine has been powered on. This value is less than or equal to the 'Swap out' counter
mem.swapin.noneSwap inKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped in from the swap space since the virtual machine has been powered on. This value is less than or equal to the 'Swap out' counter
mem.swapinRate.averageSwap in rateKBpsRate at which guest physical memory is swapped in from the swap space
mem.swapout.averageSwap outKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out from the virtual machine to its swap space since it has been powered on.
mem.swapout.maximumSwap outKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out from the virtual machine to its swap space since it has been powered on.
mem.swapout.minimumSwap outKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out from the virtual machine to its swap space since it has been powered on.
mem.swapout.noneSwap outKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out from the virtual machine to its swap space since it has been powered on.
mem.swapoutRate.averageSwap out rateKBpsRate at which guest physical memory is swapped out to the swap space
mem.swapped.averageSwappedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out to the swap space
mem.swapped.maximumSwappedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out to the swap space
mem.swapped.minimumSwappedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out to the swap space
mem.swapped.noneSwappedKBAmount of guest physical memory that is swapped out to the swap space
mem.swaptarget.averageSwap targetKBAmount of memory that ESXi needs to reclaim by swapping
mem.swaptarget.maximumSwap targetKBAmount of memory that ESXi needs to reclaim by swapping
mem.swaptarget.minimumSwap targetKBAmount of memory that ESXi needs to reclaim by swapping
mem.swaptarget.noneSwap targetKBAmount of memory that ESXi needs to reclaim by swapping
mem.swapused.averageSwap consumedKBSwap storage space consumed
mem.swapused.maximumSwap consumedKBSwap storage space consumed
mem.swapused.minimumSwap consumedKBSwap storage space consumed
mem.swapused.noneSwap consumedKBSwap storage space consumed
mem.sysUsage.averageVMkernel consumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed by VMkernel
mem.sysUsage.maximumVMkernel consumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed by VMkernel
mem.sysUsage.minimumVMkernel consumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed by VMkernel
mem.sysUsage.noneVMkernel consumedKBAmount of host physical memory consumed by VMkernel
mem.totalCapacity.averageTotal reservationMBTotal reservation, available and consumed, for powered-on virtual machines
mem.totalmb.averageTotalMBTotal amount of host physical memory of all hosts in the cluster that is available for virtual machine memory (physical memory for use by the guest OS) and virtual machine overhead memory
mem.unreserved.averageReservation availableKBAmount by which reservation can be raised
mem.unreserved.maximumReservation availableKBAmount by which reservation can be raised
mem.unreserved.minimumReservation availableKBAmount by which reservation can be raised
mem.unreserved.noneReservation availableKBAmount by which reservation can be raised
mem.usage.averageHost consumed %%Percentage of host physical memory that has been consumed
mem.usage.maximumHost consumed %%Percentage of host physical memory that has been consumed
mem.usage.minimumHost consumed %%Percentage of host physical memory that has been consumed
mem.usage.noneHost consumed %%Percentage of host physical memory that has been consumed
mem.vmfs.pbc.capMissRatio.latestVMFS PB Cache Capacity Miss Ratio%Trailing average of the ratio of capacity misses to compulsory misses for the VMFS PB Cache
mem.vmfs.pbc.overhead.latestVMFS PB Cache OverheadKBAmount of VMFS heap used by the VMFS PB Cache
mem.vmfs.pbc.size.latestVMFS PB Cache SizeMBSpace used for holding VMFS Pointer Blocks in memory
mem.vmfs.pbc.sizeMax.latestMaximum VMFS PB Cache SizeMBMaximum size the VMFS Pointer Block Cache can grow to
mem.vmfs.pbc.workingSet.latestVMFS Working SetTBAmount of file blocks whose addresses are cached in the VMFS PB Cache
mem.vmfs.pbc.workingSetMax.latestMaximum VMFS Working SetTBMaximum amount of file blocks whose addresses are cached in the VMFS PB Cache
mem.vmmemctl.averageBallooned memoryKBAmount of guest physical memory reclaimed from the virtual machine by the balloon driver in the guest
mem.vmmemctl.maximumBallooned memoryKBAmount of guest physical memory reclaimed from the virtual machine by the balloon driver in the guest
mem.vmmemctl.minimumBallooned memoryKBAmount of guest physical memory reclaimed from the virtual machine by the balloon driver in the guest
mem.vmmemctl.noneBallooned memoryKBAmount of guest physical memory reclaimed from the virtual machine by the balloon driver in the guest
mem.vmmemctltarget.averageBalloon targetKBDesired amount of guest physical memory the balloon driver needs to reclaim, as determined by ESXi
mem.vmmemctltarget.maximumBalloon targetKBDesired amount of guest physical memory the balloon driver needs to reclaim, as determined by ESXi
mem.vmmemctltarget.minimumBalloon targetKBDesired amount of guest physical memory the balloon driver needs to reclaim, as determined by ESXi
mem.vmmemctltarget.noneBalloon targetKBDesired amount of guest physical memory the balloon driver needs to reclaim, as determined by ESXi pagesKBGuest physical memory pages whose content is 0x00 pagesKBGuest physical memory pages whose content is 0x00 pagesKBGuest physical memory pages whose content is 0x00 pagesKBGuest physical memory pages whose content is 0x00 savedMBSaved memory by compression zippedMBTotal compressed physical memory
mem.zipped.latestCompressedKBAmount of guest physical memory pages compressed by ESXi
mem.zipSaved.latestCompression savedKBHost physical memory, reclaimed from a virtual machine, by memory compression. This value is less than the value of 'Compressed' memory
net.broadcastRx.summationBroadcast receivesnumNumber of broadcast packets received during the sampling interval
net.broadcastTx.summationBroadcast transmitsnumNumber of broadcast packets transmitted during the sampling interval
net.bytesRx.averageData receive rateKBpsAverage amount of data received per second
net.bytesTx.averageData transmit rateKBpsAverage amount of data transmitted per second
net.droppedRx.summationReceive packets droppednumNumber of receives dropped
net.droppedTx.summationTransmit packets droppednumNumber of transmits dropped
net.errorsRx.summationPacket receive errorsnumNumber of packets with errors received during the sampling interval
net.errorsTx.summationPacket transmit errorsnumNumber of packets with errors transmitted during the sampling interval
net.multicastRx.summationMulticast receivesnumNumber of multicast packets received during the sampling interval
net.multicastTx.summationMulticast transmitsnumNumber of multicast packets transmitted during the sampling interval
net.packetsRx.summationPackets receivednumNumber of packets received during the interval
net.packetsTx.summationPackets transmittednumNumber of packets transmitted during the interval
net.received.averageData receive rateKBpsAverage rate at which data was received during the interval
net.throughput.contention.summationNet Throughput ContentionnumThe aggregate network droppped packets for the host
net.throughput.droppedRx.averageVDS Dropped Received Packets ThroughputnumCount of dropped received packets for this VDS
net.throughput.droppedTx.averageVDS Dropped Transmitted Packets ThroughputnumCount of dropped transmitted packets for this VDS
net.throughput.packetsPerSec.averagepNic Packets Received and Transmitted per SecondnumAverage rate of packets received and transmitted per second
net.throughput.pktsRx.averageVDS Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received packets for this vDS
net.throughput.pktsRxBroadcast.averageVDS Broadcast Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received Broadcast packets for this VDS
net.throughput.pktsRxMulticast.averageVDS Multicast Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received Multicast packets for this VDS
net.throughput.pktsTx.averageVDS Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted packets for this VDS
net.throughput.pktsTxBroadcast.averageVDS Broadcast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted Broadcast packets for this VDS
net.throughput.pktsTxMulticast.averageVDS Multicast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted Multicast packets for this VDS
net.throughput.provisioned.averageNet Throughput ProvisionedKBpsThe maximum network bandwidth for the host
net.throughput.usable.averageNet Throughput UsableKBpsThe current available network bandwidth for the host
net.throughput.usage.averageNet Throughput UsageKBpsThe current network bandwidth usage for the host
net.throughput.usage.ft.averagepNic Throughput Usage for FTKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for FT
net.throughput.usage.hbr.averagepNic Throughput Usage for HBRKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for HBR
net.throughput.usage.iscsi.averagepNic Throughput Usage for iSCSIKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for iSCSI
net.throughput.usage.nfs.averagepNic Throughput Usage for NFSKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for NFS
net.throughput.usage.vm.averagepNic Throughput Usage for VMsKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for VMs
net.throughput.usage.vmotion.averagepNic Throughput Usage for vMotionKBpsAverage pNic I/O rate for vMotion
net.throughput.vds.droppedRx.averageDVPort dropped received packets throughputnumCount of dropped received packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.droppedTx.averageDVPort dropped transmitted packets throughputnumCount of dropped transmitted packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.lagDropRx.averageLAG dropped received packets throughputnumCount of dropped received packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagDropTx.averageLAG dropped transmitted packets throughputnumCount of dropped transmitted packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagRx.averageLAG packets Throughput receivednumThe rate of received packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagRxBcast.averageLAG Broadcast packets Throughput receivednumThe rate of received Broadcast packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagRxMcast.averageLAG multicast packets throughput receivednumThe rate of received multicast packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagTx.averageLAG Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagTxBcast.averageLAG Broadcast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted Broadcast packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.lagTxMcast.averageLAG Multicast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted Multicast packets for this LAG
net.throughput.vds.pktsRx.averageDVPort Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.pktsRxBcast.averageDVPort Broadcast Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received broadcast packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.pktsRxMcast.averageDVPort Multicast Packets Throughput ReceivednumThe rate of received multicast packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.pktsTx.averageDVPort Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.pktsTxBcast.averageDVPort Broadcast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted broadcast packets for this DVPort
net.throughput.vds.pktsTxMcast.averageDVPort Multicast Packets Throughput TransmittednumThe rate of transmitted multicast packets for this DVPort
net.transmitted.averageData transmit rateKBpsAverage rate at which data was transmitted during the interval
net.unknownProtos.summationUnknown protocol framesnumNumber of frames with unknown protocol received during the sampling interval
net.usage.averageUsageKBpsNetwork utilization (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates) during the interval
net.usage.maximumUsageKBpsNetwork utilization (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates) during the interval
net.usage.minimumUsageKBpsNetwork utilization (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates) during the interval
net.usage.noneUsageKBpsNetwork utilization (combined transmit-rates and receive-rates) during the interval
pmem.available.reservation.latestPersistent memory available reservationMBPersistent memory available reservation on a host.
pmem.drsmanaged.reservation.latestPersistent memory reservation managed by DRSMBPersistent memory reservation managed by DRS on a host.
power.capacity.usable.averageHost Power Capacity UsableWCurrent maximum allowed power usage
power.capacity.usage.averageHost Power Capacity UsageWCurrent power usage
power.capacity.usagePct.averageHost Power Capacity Provisioned%Current power usage as a percentage of maximum allowed power usageJTotal energy used since last stats reset
power.power.averageUsageWCurrent power usage
power.powerCap.averageCapWMaximum allowed power usage
rescpu.actav1.latestActive (1 min average)%CPU active average over 1 minute
rescpu.actav15.latestActive (15 min average)%CPU active average over 15 minutes
rescpu.actav5.latestActive (5 min average)%CPU active average over 5 minutes
rescpu.actpk1.latestActive (1 min peak)%CPU active peak over 1 minute
rescpu.actpk15.latestActive (15 min peak)%CPU active peak over 15 minutes
rescpu.actpk5.latestActive (5 min peak)%CPU active peak over 5 minutes
rescpu.maxLimited1.latestThrottled (1 min average)%Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 1 minute
rescpu.maxLimited15.latestThrottled (15 min average)%Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 15 minutes
rescpu.maxLimited5.latestThrottled (5 min average)%Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 5 minutes
rescpu.runav1.latestRunning (1 min average)%CPU running average over 1 minute
rescpu.runav15.latestRunning (15 min average)%CPU running average over 15 minutes
rescpu.runav5.latestRunning (5 min average)%CPU running average over 5 minutes
rescpu.runpk1.latestRunning (1 min peak)%CPU running peak over 1 minute
rescpu.runpk15.latestRunning (15 min peak)%CPU running peak over 15 minutes
rescpu.runpk5.latestRunning (5 min peak)%CPU running peak over 5 minutes
rescpu.sampleCount.latestGroup CPU sample countnumGroup CPU sample count
rescpu.samplePeriod.latestGroup CPU sample periodmsGroup CPU sample period
storageAdapter.commandsAveraged.averageAverage commands issued per secondnumAverage number of commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval
storageAdapter.maxTotalLatency.latestHighest latencymsHighest latency value across all storage adapters used by the host
storageAdapter.numberReadAveraged.averageAverage read requests per secondnumAverage number of read commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval
storageAdapter.numberWriteAveraged.averageAverage write requests per secondnumAverage number of write commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval
storageAdapter.OIOsPct.averageStorage Adapter Outstanding I/Os%The percent of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed
storageAdapter.outstandingIOs.averageStorage Adapter Outstanding I/OsnumThe number of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed
storageAdapter.outstandingIOs.latestStorage Adapter Outstanding I/OsnumThe number of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed
storageAdapter.queued.averageStorage Adapter Number QueuednumThe current number of I/Os that are waiting to be issued
storageAdapter.queued.latestStorage Adapter Number QueuednumThe current number of I/Os that are waiting to be issued
storageAdapter.queueDepth.averageStorage Adapter Queue DepthnumThe maximum number of I/Os that can be outstanding at a given time
storageAdapter.queueDepth.latestStorage Adapter Queue DepthnumThe maximum number of I/Os that can be outstanding at a given time
storageAdapter.queueLatency.averageStorage Adapter Queue Command LatencymsAverage amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue, per SCSI command, during the collection interval rateKBpsRate of reading data by the storage adapter
storageAdapter.throughput.cont.averageStorage Adapter Throughput ContentionmsAverage amount of time for an I/O operation to complete successfully
storageAdapter.throughput.usag.averageStorage Adapter Throughput UsageKBpsThe storage adapter's I/O rate
storageAdapter.totalReadLatency.averageRead latencymsThe average time a read by the storage adapter takes
storageAdapter.totalWriteLatency.averageWrite latencymsThe average time a write by the storage adapter takes
storageAdapter.write.averageWrite rateKBpsRate of writing data by the storage adapter
storagePath.busResets.summationStorage Path Bus ResetsnumNumber of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval
storagePath.commandsAborted.summationStorage Path Command TerminationsnumNumber of SCSI commands terminated during the collection interval
storagePath.commandsAveraged.averageAverage commands issued per secondnumAverage number of commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval
storagePath.maxTotalLatency.latestHighest latencymsHighest latency value across all storage paths used by the host
storagePath.numberReadAveraged.averageAverage read requests per secondnumAverage number of read commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval
storagePath.numberWriteAveraged.averageAverage write requests per secondnumAverage number of write commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval rateKBpsRate of reading data on the storage path
storagePath.throughput.cont.averageStorage Path Throughput ContentionmsAverage amount of time for an I/O operation to complete successfully
storagePath.throughput.usage.averageStorage Path Throughput UsageKBpsStorage path I/O rate
storagePath.totalReadLatency.averageRead latencymsThe average time a read issued on the storage path takes
storagePath.totalWriteLatency.averageWrite latencymsThe average time a write issued on the storage path takes
storagePath.write.averageWrite rateKBpsRate of writing data on the storage path
sys.diskUsage.latestDisk usage%Amount of disk space usage for each mount point
sys.heartbeat.latestHeartbeatnumNumber of heartbeats issued per virtual machine during the interval
sys.heartbeat.summationHeartbeatnumNumber of heartbeats issued per virtual machine during the interval
sys.osUptime.latestOS UptimesTotal time elapsed, in seconds, since last operating system boot-up
sys.resourceCpuAct1.latestResource CPU active (1 min average)%CPU active average over 1 minute of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuAct5.latestResource CPU active (5 min average)%CPU active average over 5 minutes of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuAllocMax.latestResource CPU allocation maximum (in MHz)MHzCPU allocation limit (in MHz) of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuAllocMin.latestResource CPU allocation minimum (in MHz)MHzCPU allocation reservation (in MHz) of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuAllocShares.latestResource CPU allocation sharesnumCPU allocation shares of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuMaxLimited1.latestResource CPU maximum limited (1 min)%CPU maximum limited over 1 minute of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuMaxLimited5.latestResource CPU maximum limited (5 min)%CPU maximum limited over 5 minutes of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuRun1.latestResource CPU running (1 min. average)%CPU running average over 1 minute of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuRun5.latestResource CPU running (5 min average)%CPU running average over 5 minutes of the system resource group
sys.resourceCpuUsage.averageResource CPU usage (Average)MHzAmount of CPU used by the Service Console and other applications during the interval
sys.resourceCpuUsage.maximumResource CPU usage (Maximum)MHzAmount of CPU used by the Service Console and other applications during the interval
sys.resourceCpuUsage.minimumResource CPU usage (Minimum)MHzAmount of CPU used by the Service Console and other applications during the interval
sys.resourceCpuUsage.noneResource CPU usage (None)MHzAmount of CPU used by the Service Console and other applications during the interval
sys.resourceFdUsage.latestFile descriptors usednumNumber of file descriptors used by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemAllocMax.latestResource memory allocation maximum (in KB)KBMemory allocation limit (in KB) of the system resource group
sys.resourceMemAllocMin.latestResource memory allocation minimum (in KB)KBMemory allocation reservation (in KB) of the system resource group
sys.resourceMemAllocShares.latestResource memory allocation sharesnumMemory allocation shares of the system resource group
sys.resourceMemConsumed.latestResource memory consumedKBMemory consumed by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemCow.latestResource memory sharedKBMemory shared by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemMapped.latestResource memory mappedKBMemory mapped by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemOverhead.latestResource memory overheadKBOverhead memory consumed by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemShared.latestResource memory share savedKBMemory saved due to sharing by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemSwapped.latestResource memory swappedKBMemory swapped out by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemTouched.latestResource memory touchedKBMemory touched by the system resource group
sys.resourceMemZero.latestResource memory zeroKBZero filled memory used by the system resource group
sys.uptime.latestUptimesTotal time elapsed, in seconds, since last system startup
vcDebugInfo.activationlatencystats.maximumActivation latencymsThe latency of an activation operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.activationlatencystats.minimumActivation latencymsThe latency of an activation operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.activationlatencystats.summationActivation latencymsThe latency of an activation operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.activationstats.maximumActivation countnumActivation operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.activationstats.minimumActivation countnumActivation operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.activationstats.summationActivation countnumActivation operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsynclatencystats.maximumHost sync latencymsThe latency of a host sync operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsynclatencystats.minimumHost sync latencymsThe latency of a host sync operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsynclatencystats.summationHost sync latencymsThe latency of a host sync operation in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsyncstats.maximumHost sync countnumThe number of host sync operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsyncstats.minimumHost sync countnumThe number of host sync operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.hostsyncstats.summationHost sync countnumThe number of host sync operations in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.inventorystats.maximumInventory statisticsnumvCenter Server inventory statistics
vcDebugInfo.inventorystats.minimumInventory statisticsnumvCenter Server inventory statistics
vcDebugInfo.inventorystats.summationInventory statisticsnumvCenter Server inventory statistics
vcDebugInfo.lockstats.maximumLocking statisticsnumvCenter Server locking statistics
vcDebugInfo.lockstats.minimumLocking statisticsnumvCenter Server locking statistics
vcDebugInfo.lockstats.summationLocking statisticsnumvCenter Server locking statistics
vcDebugInfo.lrostats.maximumvCenter Server LRO statisticsnumvCenter Server LRO statistics
vcDebugInfo.lrostats.minimumvCenter Server LRO statisticsnumvCenter Server LRO statistics
vcDebugInfo.lrostats.summationvCenter Server LRO statisticsnumvCenter Server LRO statistics
vcDebugInfo.miscstats.maximumMiscellaneousnumMiscellaneous statistics
vcDebugInfo.miscstats.minimumMiscellaneousnumMiscellaneous statistics
vcDebugInfo.miscstats.summationMiscellaneousnumMiscellaneous statistics
vcDebugInfo.morefregstats.maximumManaged object reference statisticsnumManaged object reference counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.morefregstats.minimumManaged object reference statisticsnumManaged object reference counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.morefregstats.summationManaged object reference statisticsnumManaged object reference counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.scoreboard.maximumScoreboard statisticsnumObject counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.scoreboard.minimumScoreboard statisticsnumObject counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.scoreboard.summationScoreboard statisticsnumObject counts in vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.sessionstats.maximumSession statisticsnumThe statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.sessionstats.minimumSession statisticsnumThe statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.sessionstats.summationSession statisticsnumThe statistics of client sessions connected to vCenter Server
vcDebugInfo.systemstats.maximumSystem statisticsnumThe statistics of vCenter Server as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics
vcDebugInfo.systemstats.minimumSystem statisticsnumThe statistics of vCenter Server as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics
vcDebugInfo.systemstats.summationSystem statisticsnumThe statistics of vCenter Server as a running system such as thread statistics and heap statistics
vcDebugInfo.vcservicestats.maximumvCenter Server service statisticsnumvCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks
vcDebugInfo.vcservicestats.minimumvCenter Server service statisticsnumvCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks
vcDebugInfo.vcservicestats.summationvCenter Server service statisticsnumvCenter service statistics such as events, alarms, and tasks
vcResources.ctxswitchesrate.averageContext switch ratenumNumber of context switches per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.diskreadsrate.averageDisk read ratenumNumber of disk reads per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.diskwritesrate.averageDisk write ratenumNumber of disk writes per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.packetrecvrate.averageReceived packet ratenumRate of the number of total packets received per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.packetsentrate.averageSent packet ratenumNumber of total packets sent per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.pagefaultrate.averagePage fault ratenumNumber of page faults per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.physicalmemusage.averagePhysical memoryKBPhysical memory used by vCenter
vcResources.priviledgedcpuusage.averageCPU privileged%CPU used by vCenter Server in privileged mode
vcResources.syscallsrate.averageSystem call ratenumNumber of systems calls made per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
vcResources.systemcpuusage.averageCPU system%Total system CPU used on the system where vCenter Server in running
vcResources.usercpuusage.averageCPU user%CPU used by vCenter Server in user mode
vcResources.virtualmemusage.averageVirtual memoryKBVirtual memory used by vCenter Server
vflashModule.numActiveVMDKs.latestNumber of caches controlled by the virtual flash modulenumNumber of caches controlled by the virtual flash module
virtualDisk.busResets.summationVirtual Disk Number of ResetsnumNumber of resets to a virtual disk
virtualDisk.commandsAborted.summationVirtual Disk Number of TerminationsnumNumber of terminations to a virtual disk
virtualDisk.largeSeeks.latestNumber of large seeksnumNumber of seeks during the interval that were greater than 8192 LBNs apart
virtualDisk.mediumSeeks.latestNumber of medium seeksnumNumber of seeks during the interval that were between 64 and 8192 LBNs apart
virtualDisk.numberReadAveraged.averageAverage read requests per secondnumAverage number of read commands issued per second to the virtual disk during the collection interval
virtualDisk.numberWriteAveraged.averageAverage write requests per secondnumAverage number of write commands issued per second to the virtual disk during the collection interval rateKBpsRate of reading data from the virtual disk
virtualDisk.readIOSize.latestRead request sizenumAverage read request size in bytes
virtualDisk.readLatencyUS.latestRead Latency (us)?sRead latency in microseconds
virtualDisk.readLoadMetric.latestRead workload metricnumStorage DRS virtual disk metric for the read workload model
virtualDisk.readOIO.latestAverage number of outstanding read requestsnumAverage number of outstanding read requests to the virtual disk during the collection interval
virtualDisk.smallSeeks.latestNumber of small seeksnumNumber of seeks during the interval that were less than 64 LBNs apart
virtualDisk.throughput.cont.averageVirtual Disk Throughput ContentionmsAverage amount of time for an I/O operation to complete successfully
virtualDisk.throughput.usage.averageVirtual Disk Throughput UsageKBpsVirtual disk I/O rate
virtualDisk.totalReadLatency.averageRead latencymsThe average time a read from the virtual disk takes
virtualDisk.totalWriteLatency.averageWrite latencymsThe average time a write to the virtual disk takes
virtualDisk.vFlashCacheIops.latestVirtual Flash Read Cache I/Os per second for the virtual disknumThe average virtual Flash Read Cache I/Os per second value for the virtual disk
virtualDisk.vFlashCacheLatency.latestVirtual Flash Read Cache latency for the virtual disk?sThe average virtual Flash Read Cache latency value for the virtual disk
virtualDisk.vFlashCacheThroughput.latestVirtual Flash Read Cache throughput for virtual disknumThe average virtual Flash Read Cache throughput value for the virtual disk
virtualDisk.write.averageWrite rateKBpsRate of writing data to the virtual disk
virtualDisk.writeIOSize.latestWrite request sizenumAverage write request size in bytes
virtualDisk.writeLatencyUS.latestWrite Latency (us)?sWrite latency in microseconds
virtualDisk.writeLoadMetric.latestWrite workload metricnumStorage DRS virtual disk metric for the write workload model
virtualDisk.writeOIO.latestAverage number of outstanding write requestsnumAverage number of outstanding write requests to the virtual disk during the collection interval
vmop.numChangeDS.latestVM datastore change count (non-powered-on VMs)numNumber of datastore change operations for powered-off and suspended virtual machines
vmop.numChangeHost.latestVM host change count (non-powered-on VMs)numNumber of host change operations for powered-off and suspended VMs
vmop.numChangeHostDS.latestVM host and datastore change count (non-powered-on VMs)numNumber of host and datastore change operations for powered-off and suspended virtual machines
vmop.numClone.latestVM clone countnumNumber of virtual machine clone operations
vmop.numCreate.latestVM create countnumNumber of virtual machine create operations
vmop.numDeploy.latestVM template deploy countnumNumber of virtual machine template deploy operations
vmop.numDestroy.latestVM delete countnumNumber of virtual machine delete operations
vmop.numPoweroff.latestVM power off countnumNumber of virtual machine power off operations
vmop.numPoweron.latestVM power on countnumNumber of virtual machine power on operations
vmop.numRebootGuest.latestVM guest reboot countnumNumber of virtual machine guest reboot operations
vmop.numReconfigure.latestVM reconfigure countnumNumber of virtual machine reconfigure operations
vmop.numRegister.latestVM register countnumNumber of virtual machine register operations
vmop.numReset.latestVM reset countnumNumber of virtual machine reset operations
vmop.numShutdownGuest.latestVM guest shutdown countnumNumber of virtual machine guest shutdown operations
vmop.numStandbyGuest.latestVM standby guest countnumNumber of virtual machine standby guest operations
vmop.numSuspend.latestVM suspend countnumNumber of virtual machine suspend operations
vmop.numSVMotion.latestStorage vMotion countnumNumber of migrations with Storage vMotion (datastore change operations for powered-on VMs)
vmop.numUnregister.latestVM unregister countnumNumber of virtual machine unregister operations
vmop.numVMotion.latestvMotion countnumNumber of migrations with vMotion (host change operations for powered-on VMs)
vmop.numXVMotion.latestVM host and datastore change count (powered-on VMs)numNumber of host and datastore change operations for powered-on and suspended virtual machines
vsanDomObj.readAvgLatency.averageAverage read latencymsAverage read latency in ms
vsanDomObj.readCacheHitRate.latestCache hit rate%Cache hit rate percentage
vsanDomObj.readCongestion.averageRead congestion per sampling intervalnumRead congestion
vsanDomObj.readIops.averageRead IOPSnumRead IOPS
vsanDomObj.readMaxLatency.latestMax read latencymsMax read latency in ms
vsanDomObj.readThroughput.averageRead throughputKBpsRead throughput in kBps
vsanDomObj.recoveryWriteAvgLatency.averageAverage recovery write latencymsAverage recovery write latency in ms
vsanDomObj.recoveryWriteCongestion.averageRecovery write congestion per sampling intervalnumRecovery write congestion
vsanDomObj.recoveryWriteIops.averageRecovery write IOPSnumRecovery write IOPS
vsanDomObj.recoveryWriteMaxLatency.latestMax recovery write latencymsMax recovery write latency in ms
vsanDomObj.recoveryWriteThroughput.averageRecovery write through-putKBpsRecovery write through-put in kBps
vsanDomObj.writeAvgLatency.averageAverage write latencymsAverage write latency in ms
vsanDomObj.writeCongestion.averageWrite congestion per sampling intervalnumWrite congestion
vsanDomObj.writeIops.averageWrite IOPSnumWrite IOPS
vsanDomObj.writeMaxLatency.latestMax write latencymsMax write latency in ms
vsanDomObj.writeThroughput.averageWrite throughputKBpsWrite throughput in kBps

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