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Getting Started with PowerCLI 5.1 and PowerShell 3.0

In this post i am going to give a quick startup guide to the new version of PowerCLI 5.1 with the Windows Management Framework 3.0, which is available with Windows 8. Both are recently published releases of the great PowerShell scripting engine that every VMware admin should know. First i am going to give a quick guide how to set up and configure your environment. Later i am going to show the new features of PowerCLI 5.1 and PowerShell 3.0.Read More »Getting Started with PowerCLI 5.1 and PowerShell 3.0

Datastore cluster permissions lost - Script Workaround

Placing the datastore clusters inside a folder in some cases is not an option, so i decided to write a PowerCLI script which creates the permisson after vCenter service restart. As you might know, all permissons set at datastore cluster level are gone after vCenter restarts. This workaround referred to VMware KB: 2008326.

First you have to find affected permissons. This applies to permissons which are set directly to datastore clusters. A datastore cluster is referred as "StoragePod", so this is the keyword:

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