The following pages are intended to provide information about the VMware design process. This information should be usefull not only to pass the VDCD510 exam but also to give a solid foundation for real world design projects.
According to VMwares VDCD510 Exam Blueprint i am going to cover the following objectives:
Section 1 – Create a vSphere Conceptual Design
Objective 1.1 – Gather and analyze business requirements
Objective 1.2 – Gather and analyze application requirements
Objective 1.3 – Determine Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions
Section 2 – Create a vSphere Logical Design from an Existing Conceptual Design
Objective 2.1 – Map Business Requirements to the Logical Design
Objective 2.2 – Map Service Dependencies
Objective 2.3 – Build Availability Requirements into the Logical Design
Objective 2.4 – Build Manageability Requirements into the Logical Design
Objective 2.5 – Build Performance Requirements into the Logical Design
Objective 2.6 – Build Recoverability Requirements into the Logical Design
Objective 2.7 – Build Security Requirements into the Logical Design
Section 3 – Create a vSphere Physical Design from an Existing Logical Design
Objective 3.1 – Transition from a Logical Design to a vSphere 5 Physical Design
Objective 3.2 – Create a vSphere 5 Physical Network Design from an Existing Logical Design
Objective 3.3 – Create a vSphere 5 Physical Storage Design from an Existing Logical Design
Objective 3.4 – Determine Appropriate Compute Resources for a vSphere 5 Physical Design
Objective 3.5 – Determine Virtual Machine Configuration for a vSphere 5 Physical Design
Objective 3.6 – Determine Datacenter Management Options for a vSphere 5 Physical Design
Section 4 – Implementation Planning
Objective 4.1 – Create an Execute a Validation Plan
Objective 4.2 – Create an Implementation Plan
Objective 4.3 – Create an Installation Guide
Very useful information! Bookmarked! Thanks
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