OVF Template for VMware NSX-T 4.1
The following PowerShell snippet can be used to deploy VMware NSX-T 4.1 using PowerShell. The VMware.PowerCLI module is required to use the script.
- Copy the snippet to your favorite editor
- Change the path to your local OVA file
- Fill out the variables
- Connect to a vCenter Server using the Connect-VIServer command
- Run the script
#Requires -Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
$ovf = '.\nsx-unified-appliance-' # Path to OVA File
$ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $ovf
$ovfConfig.DeploymentOption.Value = "medium" # Deployment Size (extra_small|small|medium|large)
# ExtraSmall: 2 vCPU / 8GB RAM / 300GB Storage - This configuration is only supported for the nsx-cloud-service-manager role.
# Small: 4 vCPU / 16GB RAM / 300GB Storage - This configuration is supported for Global Manager Production deployment.
# Medium: 6 vCPU / 24GB RAM / 300GB Storage - This configuration is supported for Local Manager Production deployment.
# Large: 12 vCPU / 48GB RAM / 300GB Storage - This configuration is supported for Local Manager Production deployment.
$ovfConfig.NetworkMapping.Network_1.Value = "" # Destination network (Portgroup)
$ovfConfig.IpAssignment.IpProtocol.Value = "IPv4" # IP protocol for Management Network (IPv4|IPv6)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_grub_passwd.Value = "" # The password for GRUB root user for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_grub_menu_timeout.Value = "" # The timeout to display GRUB menu for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_passwd_0.Value = "" # System Root User Password
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_cli_passwd_0.Value = "" # CLI "admin" User Password
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_cli_audit_passwd_0.Value = "" # CLI "audit" User Password
# Please follow the password complexity rule as below:
# Minimum of 12 characters in length / >=1 uppercase character / >=1 lowercase character / >=1 numeric character / >=1 special character / >=5 unique characters
# Default password complexity rules as enforced by the Linux PAM module.
# NOTE: Password strength validation will occur during VM boot. If the password does not meet the above criteria then login as root user for the change password prompt to appear.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_cli_username.Value = "admin" # CLI "admin" username (default: admin)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_cli_audit_username.Value = "audit" # CLI "audit" username (default: audit)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_hostname.Value = "" # The hostname for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_role.Value = "NSX Manager" # The role for this VM. (NSX Manager|nsx-cloud-service-manager|NSX Global Manager)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_ip_0.Value = "" # Management Network IPv4 Address
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_netmask_0.Value = "" # Management Network Netmask
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_gateway_0.Value = "" # Default IPv4 Gateway
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_ip6_0.Value = "" # The IPv6 Address for the first interface.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_netmask6_0.Value = "" # The IPv6 netmask prefix for the first interface. (ex.- 64)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_gateway6_0.Value = "" # The default IPv6 gateway for this VM
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_dns1_0.Value = "" # Space separated DNS server list for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_domain_0.Value = "" # Space separated domain search list for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_ntp_0.Value = "" # Space separated NTP server list for this VM.
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_isSSHEnabled.Value = $true # Enable SSH ($true or $false)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_allowSSHRootLogin.Value = $true # Allow root SSH logins ($true or $false)
$ovfConfig.Common.nsx_swIntegrityCheck.Value = $false # Software Integrity Checker is required only for NDcPP 2.2
$VMName = "" # Virtual Machine Display Name
$vmhost = "" # ESXi Host to deploy the VM
$datastore = "" # Datastore to deploy the VM
$diskStorageFormat = "Thick" # Thin or Thick provisionig of virtual disks
$vm = Import-VApp -Source $ovf -OvfConfiguration $ovfconfig -Name $VMName -VMHost (Get-VMHost -Name $VMHost) -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat $diskStorageFormat
#$vm | Start-VM # Uncomment to power on the VM after creation.
Please leave a comment when you have issues with the deployment. Additional feature requests are also welcome.
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