OVF Template for VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8.1
The following PowerShell snippet can be used to deploy VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8.1 using PowerShell. The VMware.PowerCLI module is required to use the script.
- Copy the snippet to your favorite editor
- Change the path to your local OVA file
- Fill out the variables
- Connect to a vCenter Server using the Connect-VIServer command
- Run the script
$ovf = 'Z:\images\VMware\vSphere 7.0\vRealize-Operations-Manager-Appliance-' # Path to OVA File
$ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $ovf
$ovfConfig.DeploymentOption.Value = "small" # Deployment Size (xsmall|small|medium|large|xlarge|smallrc|largerc|witness)
# Extra Small: 2 vCPU / 8GB RAM - Use this configuration for single node non-HA and two node HA setups.
# Small: 4 vCPU / 16GB RAM - Use this configuration for environments less than 3500 VMs.
# Medium: 8 vCPU / 32GB RAM - Use this configuration for environments between 3500 to 11000 VMs
# Large: 16 vCPU / 48GB RAM - Use this configuration for environments larger than 11000 VMs.
# Extra Large: 24 vCPU / 128GB RAM - Use this configuration for environments between 20000 to 45000 VMs.
# Remote Collector (Standard): 2 vCPU / 4GB RAM - Use this configuration for remote collector deployments within small or medium environments.
# Remote Collector (Large): 4 vCPU / 16GB RAM - Use this configuration for remote collector deployments within large environments.
# Witness: 2 vCPU / 8GB RAM - Use this configuration to deploy a witness node for CA enabled clusters.
$ovfConfig.NetworkMapping.Network_1.Value = "" # Destination network (Portgroup)
$ovfConfig.Common.vamitimezone.Value = "Etc/UTC" # Timezone for this VM in Posix TZ format (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones).
$ovfConfig.Common.forceIpv6.Value = $false # Use IPv6 ($true or $false)
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.gateway.Value = "" # The default gateway address for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.domain.Value = "" # The domain name of this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.searchpath.Value = "" # The domain search path (comma or space separated domain names) for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.DNS.Value = "" # The domain name server IP Addresses for this VM (comma separated). Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.ip0.Value = "" # The IP address for this interface. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$ovfConfig.vami.vRealize_Operations_Manager_Appliance.netmask0.Value = "" # The netmask or prefix for this interface. Leave blank if DHCP is desired.
$VMName = "" # Virtual Machine Display Name
$vmhost = "" # ESXi Host to deploy the VM
$datastore = "" # Datastore to deploy the VM
$diskStorageFormat = "Thick" # Thin or Thick provisionig of virtual disks
$vm = Import-VApp -Source $ovf -OvfConfiguration $ovfconfig -Name $VMName -VMHost (Get-VMHost -Name $VMHost) -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat $diskStorageFormat
#$vm | Start-VM # Uncomment to power on the VM after creation.
Please leave a comment when you have issues with the deployment. Additional feature requests are also welcome.
Confirmed Images: