VMware vSphere Alarms
- Datastore capability alarm
- Yellow Metric {operator} {yellow.value,l}
- Status of other host hardware objects
- Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA is in the process of failing over virtual machines
- VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor if a virtual machine cannot migrate, relocate, or is orphaned
- Errors occurred on the disk(s) of a vSAN host
- Appliance Management service alarm to monitor health status
- ESXi Host Certificate Verification Failure Status
- Alarm to monitor changes in the certificate management mode of vCenter Server
- Virtual machine Consolidation Needed status
- Default alarm to monitor processors. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- vService Manager service alarm to monitor health status
- Host Baseboard Management Controller status
- Default alarm to monitor loss of network uplink redundancy on a virtual switch
- Alarm expression defined on the metric data of an entity
- VMware vCenter-Services Health Alarm
- Database Health Alarm
- Event details
- Virtual machine total disk latency
- vSphere Distributed Switch MTU matched status
- Default alarm that monitors whether the refreshing of CA certificates and CRLs for some of the VASA providers has failed.
- Default alarm to monitor objects. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Default alarm to monitor virtual machine CPU ready time
- Cannot connect to network
- Yellow metric {operator} {yellow.value,m}
- Datastore cluster has datastores that belong to different SRM Consistency Groups
- Alarm expression that describes conjoined alarm expressions
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware Virtual Datacenter Service.
- Default alarm to monitor system boards. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Alarm to indicate that the certificates update on an ESXi host failed
- vCenter Server Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor virtual machine memory usage
- Red metric {operator} {red.value,m}
- vSphere HA virtual machine monitoring action
- Default alarm to monitor host service console memory swap rates
- Default alarm to monitor changes in vSphere Distributed Switch VLAN trunked status
- Default alarm to monitor changes in vSphere Distributed Switch MTU matched status
- Expired vSAN time-limited license
- Default alarm to monitor if no compatible hosts are available to place Secondary VM
- Default alarm for expired vSAN license or evaluation period.
- Default alarm to monitor changes in the Fault Tolerance state of a virtual machine
- vSphere vCenter Host Certificate Management Mode
- vCenter Stats Monitor Service Health Alarm.
- VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service Health Alarm
- Alarm expression defined on the connection state of the host, power state of a host, or virtual machine
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the PostgreSQL Service.
- Default alarm to monitor memory. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Health status monitoring
- Network connectivity lost
- Default alarm to monitor host connection and power state
- SRM Consistency Group Violation
- Monitors the fullness of the IPMI System Event Log. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Registration/unregistration of a VASA vendor provider on a vSAN host fails
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of VSAN Health Services.
- Default alarm to monitor network connectivity on a virtual switch
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of vCenter HA Service.
- License capacity monitoring
- Certificate Status
- Data Service service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm to monitor batteries. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA failed to reset a virtual machine
- Default alarm to monitor host connection failure
- Alarm expression that describes disjoined alarm expressions
- Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources
- Host hardware temperature status
- Default alarm to monitor host connectivity to storage device
- Default alarm that is triggered when vSphere HA VM Component Protection fails to restart a virtual machine
- Host connection and power state
- Default alarm that is triggered when the capability status of volumes backing the datastore changes
- Virtual machine disk reset
- Registration/unregistration of third-party IO filter storage providers fails on a host
- Default alarm to monitor if a host cannot exit standby mode
- Expired vSAN license
- License inventory monitoring
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of vCenter Stats Monitor Service.
- vSphere APIs for IO Filtering (VAIO) Filter Management Operations
- vCenter Server service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm to monitor high availability errors on a virtual machine
- VSAN Health Service Alarm
- Virtual Machine network adapter reservation status
- Default alarm to monitor fans. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Default alarm to monitor health of a host as reported by vSphere HA
- vSphere HA VM Component Protection could not power off a virtual machine
- Event alarm expression
- vMon API Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of Image Builder Service.
- Default alarm to monitor for expired vSAN license or evaluation period.
- Default alarm to monitor datastore disk usage
- Entity metric
- License user threshold monitoring
- vSphere UI service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm that is triggered when vSphere HA VM Component Protection cannot power off a virtual machine with an inaccessible datastore
- Status = {status}
- vSphere Distributed Switch VLAN trunked status
- Host storage status
- Host hardware voltage
- vSphere UI Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor virtual machine total disk latency
- Virtual machine CPU usage
- Virtual machine disk commands canceled
- Virtual machine Fault Tolerance state changed
- Host hardware power status
- Expired host time-limited license
- Default alarm to monitor host memory usage
- vSphere Distributed Switch teaming matched status
- License error
- Default alarm that is triggered when a VASA Provider certificate is about to expire
- VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy Service Health Alarm.
- Identity Health Alarm
- Red state {operator} {red.state}
- Virtual Datacenter Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor license errors
- Host flash capacity exceeds the licensed limit for vSAN
- Inventory Health Alarm
- Host memory usage
- vSphere Distributed Switch MTU supported status
- Default alarm to monitor changes in the reservation status of a virtual machine network adapter
- Default alarm to monitor virtual machine error and warning events
- Virtual Machine Fault Tolerance vLockStep interval Status Changed
- Default alarm to monitor for expired vSAN time-limited license.
- VASA Provider certificate expiration alarm
- Yellow state {operator} {yellow.state}
- Message Bus Config service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm that is triggered when virtual machine Consolidation Needed status is set
- vSphere HA failover in progress
- Cis License service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm to monitor time-outs when starting a Secondary VM
- Pre-4.1 host connected to SIOC-enabled datastore
- Virtual machine component protection restart error
- Message Bus Config Health Alarm
- Datastore in a datastore cluster is visible in more than one datacenter
- Performance Charts Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor host error and warning events
- Virtual machine CPU ready
- Alarm that is triggered when the Service Control Agent is not reachable.
- Default alarm to monitor for expired host license or evaluation period.
- PostgreSQL Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor if license inventory is not compliant
- Default alarm indicating that the guest operating system of a virtual machine sends IPv6 TSO packets that will be dropped
- Default alarm to monitor number of virtual machine bus resets
- Host hardware system board status
- vSphere Client service alarm to monitor health status
- RBD service alarm to monitor health status
- Red Metric {operator} {red.value,l}
- Current values for metric/state
- Alarm that monitors when a datastore cluster is out of space
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of PSC Service.
- Update Manager Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor voltage. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Alarm to indicate certificate status of an ESXi host
- Default alarm to monitor changes to service and extension health status
- Alarm that monitors and alerts when Storage DRS is not supported on a host
- Default alarm to monitor if a license capacity is exceeded
- Cannot find vSphere HA master agent
- Default alarm that monitors the health of PSC HA
- VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector Health Alarm
- Default alarm to alert when there are insufficient cluster resources for vSphere HA to guarantee failover
- Datastore is in multiple datacenters
- Cannot connect to storage
- ESXi Host Certificates Update Failure Status
- Host IPMI System Event Log status
- Expired vCenter Server time-limited license
- vSphere HA host status
- Default alarm that monitors whether there are errors on the host disk(s) in the vSAN cluster.
- PSC Service Health Alarm.
- Virtual machine error
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware Common Logging Service.
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of vMon API Service.
- Content Library Service Health Alarm
- Appliance Management Health Alarm
- Cluster high availability action in progress
- Virtual machine high availability error
- Default alarm to monitor the VMware Flash Read Cache resource usage on the host
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of Component Manager Service.
- Default alarm to monitor changes in overall health status. See vCenter Service Health in the Administration application for more details.
- Default alarm to monitor virtual machine CPU usage
- Unmanaged workload detected on SIOC-enabled datastore
- Entity state
- Host battery status
- Default alarm to monitor if the capacity of the flash disks on the host exceeds the limit of the vSAN license
- No compatible host for Secondary VM
- VMware vCenter-Services alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware Content Library Service.
- Object type storage alarm
- Storage DRS recommendation
- Default alarm that monitors whether vCenter Server fails to register or unregister third-party IO filter storage providers on a host.
- Default alarm to monitor network uplink redundancy degradation on a virtual switch
- Host error
- Default alarm that is triggered when a VASA provider is in a disconnected state
- Cis License Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor for expired vCenter Server time-limited license.
- Migration error
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service.
- Alarm that monitors a Storage DRS recommendation
- PSC HA Health Alarm
- State = {1,C}
- Datastore compliance alarm
- Default alarm that is triggered when vSphere APIs for IO Filtering (VAIO) operations (installing/uninstalling/upgrading filters) fail for some hosts in the cluster
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware Transfer Service.
- Service Control Agent Health Alarm
- VMKernel NIC not configured correctly
- Performance Charts Service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm to monitor temperature. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- The host license edition is not compatible with the vCenter Server license edition
- Identity service alarm to monitor health status
- vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed
- Host service console swap rates
- Default alarm to monitor number of virtual machine disk commands canceled
- Datastore cluster is out of space
- Alarm to indicate that the ESXi host certificate verification failed
- Host virtual flash resource usage
- VASA provider disconnected
- RBD Health Alarm
- Default alarm to monitor changes in vSphere Distributed Switch MTU supported status
- Expired vSAN license
- Default alarm to monitor power. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Component Manager Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of Update Manager Service.
- VMware Common Logging Service Health Alarm
- Refreshing CA certificates and CRLs for a VASA provider failed
- Inventory service alarm to monitor health status
- Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA failed to failover a virtual machine
- Monitors the status of the Baseboard Management Controller. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Default alarm to monitor high availability errors on a cluster
- Default alarm to monitor for expired host time-limited license.
- Health status changed alarm
- Default alarm to indicate that the host has taken an IP address that conflicts with another host.
- VM storage compliance alarm
- Default Alarm to monitor changes in the Fault Tolerance Secondary vLockStep interval
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of HTTP Reverse Proxy Service.
- Expired vCenter Server license
- Storage DRS is not supported on a host
- Thin-provisioned volume capacity threshold exceeded
- Default alarm to monitor network connectivity on a virtual switch
- Default alarm to monitor host CPU usage
- Cluster high availability error
- ESXi Host Certificate Status
- Default alarm that is triggered when the virtual disk on the datastore goes out of compliance with the object-based storage
- Default alarm to monitor the VMware Flash Read Cache resource status on the host
- Datastore usage on disk
- VMware System and Hardware Health Manager Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware vAPI Endpoint Service.
- vService Manager Health Alarm
- Default alarm that is triggered when a high availability failover is in progress
- Transfer Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm that is triggered when the thin provisioning threshold on the storage array is exceeded for volume(s) backing the datastore
- Virtual machine memory usage
- Host connection failure
- Host hardware fan status
- Exit standby error
- Host CPU usage
- Host IP Address Conflict Alarm
- Host memory status
- Default alarm that is triggered when a VASA provider raises an Object type alarm on an entity backing the datastore
- ESX Agent Manager service alarm to monitor health status
- ESX Agent Manager Health Alarm
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy Service.
- vSphere HA virtual machine monitoring error
- Default alarm to monitor if a user-defined license threshold is exceeded
- Default alarm to monitor storage. See the host's Hardware Status tab for more details.
- Default alarm that is triggered if an unmanaged I/O workload is detected on a SIOC-enabled datastore
- Default alarm that monitors whether the registration or unregistration of a VASA vendor provider on a vSAN host fails.
- Default alarm that monitors the database health status.
- Network uplink redundancy lost
- Data Service Health Alarm
- Image Builder Service Health Alarm
- Host virtual flash resource status
- Default alarm that is triggered when the virtual disk goes out of compliance with the object-based storage
- Default alarm for incorrectly configured VMkernel NIC
- vCenter HA Service Health Alarm.
- VMware vAPI Endpoint Service Health Alarm
- Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA reset a virtual machine
- Expired host license
- vSphere Client Health Alarm
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector Service.
- Default alarm to monitor if host license edition is not allowed
- Default alarm to alert when vCenter Server has been unable to connect to a vSphere HA master agent for a prolonged period
- Default alarm that monitors the health status of the VMware System and Hardware Health Manager Service.
- Default alarm to monitor changes in vSphere Distributed Switch teaming matched status
- Network uplink redundancy degraded
- Default alarm to monitor for expired vCenter Server license or evaluation period.
- Default alarm that monitors whether a certificate is getting close to its expiration date.
- Default alarm that is triggered if a pre-4.1 host is connected to a SIOC-enabled datastore
- Metric {1,C} = {2,I,m}
- Timed out starting Secondary VM
- IPv6 TSO not supported
- Host processor status