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vTranslate (VMware vSphere Message Translations)

Reached the structural limitation of the resource pool hierarchy.

english: Reached the structural limitation of the resource pool hierarchy.
german: Strukturelle Grenze der Ressourcenpoolhierarchie erreicht.
french: Limites structurelles de la hiérarchie de pool de ressources atteintes.
spanish: Limites structurelles de la hiérarchie de pool de ressources atteintes.
korean: 리소스 풀 계층의 구조적 제한 값에 도달했습니다.
simplified chinese: 已达到资源池层次的结构化限制。
traditional chinese: 已达到资源池层次的结构化限制。
japanese: リソース プール階層の構造上の制限に達しました。

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