SCSI errors or warnings in ESXi are displayed with 6 status codes. This page converts these sense codes from ESXi Hosts to human readable status information. In the vmkernel.log system log file from an ESXi 5.x or 6.0 hosts, you see entries similar to the following. Enter the colored numbers to the form and press Submit:
ScsiDeviceIO: [...] Cmd 0x1a [...] to dev "naa.x" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0.
Type | Code | Name | Description |
Host Status | [0x8] | RESET | This status is returned when the HBA driver has aborted the I/O. It can also occur if the HBA does a reset of the target. |
Device Status | [0x0] | GOOD | This status is returned when there is no error from the device or target side. This is when you will see if there is a status for Host or Plugin. |
Plugin Status | [0x0] | GOOD | No error. (ESXi 5.x / 6.x only) |
Sense Key | [0xB] | ABORTED COMMAND | |
Additional Sense Data | C0/00 | Additional Sense Data unknown. |
Pingback: New Tool: Decoder for ESXi SCSI Sense Codes |
Great Tool. Thank you very much. Very useful
This is very useful tool, thank you for sharing that.
This is a very useful tool. Thanks for developing and sharing this!
This is great!
Thanks for sharing. Great Tool.
Excellent Tool, if we can get some information about how communication happens from ESXi host to Storage from logs that would be great, what command ESXi sends to Storage first and then what commands will be running on ESXi host when I/O is happening would be great.
Do you have Logs that you want to understand? If yes, feel free to provide.
You do not see each SCSI command in the log. This would be way to much. There are physical appliances in the market that you can put between your server and the storage array to capture all traffic. But these appliances are very rare and require very deep protocol knowledge.
From the ESXi log you usually only see datastore heartbeat and failed commands.
If you want to capture scsi errors use vRealize Log Insight
Excellent tool and saves lot of time
This has been so helpful over the last few months, I needed to write a comment to applaud you! THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Really useful!
Very useful tool - THANKS!
Great work.. It really helps. Thanks a TON..!!
This is a greate tool, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this great tool!
Great tool indeed!
Love it, and I'm using it every time I troubleshoot storage issues!
Thanks for this awesome decoder, may my job so much easier!!
Its an great tool and thank you very much for sharing this
Do you have a file with all the sense codes you can share?
There are lists with all SCSI codes here:
I'm using CSV files for this page:
Thank you! Wonderful tool!
Excellent Tool. Saves such a lot of time. Thanks.
thanks!that's great tool.
Its great tool...thanks for sharing!!
Thanks! Saves a ton of time searching :)
Great tool.
This is a very cool tool for finding the exact errors.
Thanks alot.
awsome tool
Thanks heaps
Love this tool! I use the heck out of it, If you ever get the chance to add a 'clear all fields' button that would be great, it would allow batch work to be done quicker, Thanks for the great tool!
Added a "Reset" Button.
Maybe you also might want to have a look at VMware ESXi SCSI Sense Code Decoder V2
which should be even faster.
Thank you! Very nice! Is there a way to enter the CMD into the virten2 strings? I love the full line entry but still flip between the two for the Command output.
Sure. You should be able to add full vmkernel.log lines now. Example:
2018-02-27T11:51:31.001Z cpu3:65559)ScsiDeviceIO: 2948: Cmd(0x439500ac0f80) 0x1a, CmdSN 0x197347 from world 0 to dev "mpx.vmhba32:C0:T0:L0" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0.
Please let me know if there are any issues.
you should sell standalone version and I would buy it
There is an offline working PowerCLI function available here.
Thank you, awesome tool!
Excellent tool, Thanks!!
Great and excelent tool, many thanks!!!
Had this bookmarked long time ago. Finally got to use it this weekend to resolve an issue. Thanks a lot !
This is awesome, thank you so much!
Thank you for the great tool.
It saves a lot of time.
Just a quick question, I have read in that this messages/logs can be ignored but how would we know when the messages needs attention already?
I ignore all sense code messages by default but watch them when I know that there is an issue. It's usually specific to a single platform, so not generally speaking. When you have storage issues, the sense code might help you when looking for the root cause. When you have a storage issue (for example a disconnected datastore) you will be noticed anyway.
A great tool. Thank you.
Great and Excellent tool it is. Many thanks.
fantastic, thank you very ,uch.
Thanks for the tool!
SCSI command 0x0 is "Test unit ready"
I thank you!!! Awesome tool
We have Loginsight and some hosts had lots of SCSI sense data codes. Now at least we can have an idea on whats going on
Thanks GOD, you letting me find this page.
Brillant Tool
Thank you for the great tool.
It saves a lot of time.:)
A chic tool, but can I ask where you looked at the database of all statuses?
There is no database to my knowledge. This tool is based on various sources like RFCs and Vendor documentation.
Actually you can get all the SCSI Spec (more or less) Op codes from the 'source'
SCSI Common Codes & Values
The following are listed in either txt of html format:
Status Codes
Sense Keys
Additional Sense Data Information
Op Codes - Command Operation Codes Information
Vendor IDs - Vendor ID Strings
I use these references all the time in my day-to-day work (I work with software defined SCSI Block Storage). Also if you want iSCSI related code this won't hurt
Hope this is useful
Yes, but you are missing the description and ESXi specific troubleshooting instructions there.
Also, HTML and TXT are not good formats if you are looking for automation and efficient operations. I provide all data in JSON Format: